User view

User view

It is possible to create a section to display the users in Portrait. These could be used when you want to expose the users to non admin accounts or to link them with an Entry to allow the selection of users in Form Dialog. However, there are also Limitations

The user view only supports the view-type List.

To activate the section and autofill it simply create a section called portrait-users .

The following columns are available:

  • id

  • username

  • email

  • role

  • status

A full configuration could look like this:

section: - name: portrait-users group: Users caption: Portrait Users type: list description: | Overview of the Portrait Users columns: - label: 'ID' key: 'id' type: 'string' showInTableHeader: false showInDetailList: true - label: 'Name' key: 'username' type: 'string' showInTableHeader: true showInDetailList: true - label: 'Email' key: 'email' type: 'string'