

If you want to have insights of how your app is used and what the users are viewing, searching or how long they stay on your site, you can connect Matomo as analytics tool.

The integration is meant to work without a user opt-in, therefore you must assure that your Matomo privacy setup is set to “force tracking without cookies”.


Matomo can either be hosted by yourself or instanced in the cloud. If you choose to run Matomo on your own infrastructure, you must set it up first and make the instance publicly available.

As already mentioned, make sure that you have the correct privacy setup, since Portrait is not showing a “Cookie Banner” nor is the user asked about a cookie opt-in. However, if Matomo is correctly set up, neither is needed.

Make sure that under “Settings” → “Privacy” → “Anonymize data” the setting “force tracking without cookies”, is set:

Tracked Actions

The following actions are tracked:

  • Search queries (either global or per section)

  • Page views (either via list or detail page)


  1. Open the file /app/config/application.yml

  2. Set the URL and the site ID for your Matomo instance:

    application: matomoUrl: https://matomo.customer.xyz matomoSiteId: 1


    If it is a cloud-hosted instance, it's usually: https://your-matomo-instance.matomo.cloud
    The site ID is usually “1”, if this is your first Matomo-tracked site.

  3. Restart Portrait App

Test Integration

It is important to test your integration with several clients and devices. In our test scenarios we detected issues with activated Ad-Blocker plugins in Google Chrome.


A word of warning about the sensitive topic of the general data protection regulation:

Ensuring that your Portrait App installation is compliant with the rules of the European GDPR is up to you, the provider. Make sure that you use the correct setup in Matomo. Matomo has an extensive documentation, which can be found here: GDPR - Matomo Analytics

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