Push Notifications
The Push Notifications feature is implemented via common standards and technologies. Users can decide per section or entry if they want to receive notifications on creation or updates. As an administrator, you can decide the style and the content of the notifications.
The notifications are per definition always opt-in: The user has to allow notifications in their browser.
Portrait decides between the two following notification modes:
Single Entry Notification
Will get triggered when either:
A subscribed entry has been updated
A subscribed section has been updated and only one entry was changed
Section Notification
Will get triggered when:
A subscribed section has been updated and the sum of updated and created entries is higher than 1
This feature works with Portrait 6.5.x onwards and does not function in combination with the public mode.
To receive push notifications, users can subscribe to entries or entire sections. Each subscription is valid for the current device the user is using. In addition, the user has to allow push notifications via their browser as well as on their operating system.
Users are too often asked for permissions on the web. Visit a news website nowadays, and you will be prompted to opt-in for notifications. This leads to the hab