In Portrait 6.x, the theming capability was extended; you can now set the colors to your needs for Portrait. Inside the application.yml file, you can find the config section theme
under application
| Property | Default |
Logo URL Absolute or relative path to your logo, which is used in the menu and on the login page. This can be either a JPG, PNG or SVG (recommended). | logoUrl |
Hero URL Absolute or relative path to your hero image, which is used on the dashboard. This can be either a JPG, PNG or SVG (recommended). | heroUrl |
Raster Logo URL Absolute or relative path to your rasterized logo, which is used on PDF exports. This can be either a JPG or PNG. | rasterLogoUrl |
Highlight color Buttons, call to actions, links | highlightColor |
Global background color Primary background color | backgroundColor |
Global font color Font color for all texts inside the app | textColor |
Menu background color Background color of the sidebar and top menu | alternateBackgroundColor |
Label color Color for sub headlines and captions | labelColor |
Divider color Color for borders and frames | dividerColor |
Default configuration in the application.yml file:
name: Portrait App
owner: Treskon GmbH