Portrait 5.0.0

Portrait 5.0.0

Released: May 25, 2022

Portrait 5.0.0 is a major release and includes many new features, up-to-date services and bug fixes.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields are primarily meant for permissions. See Custom Fields


Efforts were made to streamline the configuration and offer more functionality to the user. The following features were therefore added:


Sometimes it comes handy to get a glimpse of a data entry, without opening it. That is why we implemented the preview card component on the dashboard and other scenarios:

What data will be shown, is defined via the field attribute showinTableHeader.

Unified string type

Instead of having different types of string fields for columns inside sections, we harmonized them:

Pre 5.x


Pre 5.x


- label: 'Article' type: 'string'
- label: 'Article' type: 'string'
- label: 'Article' type: 'text'



See Column Types.

Entry Icons

We introduced an icon-set for different content. See Entry Icons.


Forms can now be opened with pre-filled fields. The following features were therefore added:

Hidden Fields

A hidden field in the form allows storing a key or a state without showing it to the user. The field is then passed onwards to the onSubmit handler and can be used internally. A use-case for a hidden field could be a key field in case you want to update an existing record, but need to know the key or ID for it.

Pass fields of an entry into a form

If you want to open a form and send the fields of an entry into it, you want to use the forwardProperties setting inside the configuration of an entry field. See: Column Types | Form


The source handling got extended to support more use cases.


Presenting data on maps means, that a location is known as decimal degree (WGS84). But usually the location is only known as a human-readable address. Therefore, we provide a way to convert human-readable addresses into an interpretable decimal degree with the help of a Field Processor.

Geocoding is based on a third party service. Separate licensing and pricing apply.

Optimized ELO connection setup

The ELO connection setup was simplified and changed to the customary connection settings; we now use the full Indexserver URL in the ELO connections.

ELO sources for a defined time frame

It is now possible to restrict the indexing of ELO sources to a given time range. This can either be a relative time frame (everything older than x days) or an exact time frame (from y to z).

See the new settings documentDate and archivingDate in ELO sources.

ELO Sources for a high load of data

The indexing mechanism for ELO was optimized for big datasets (100,000 and more entries).


The administration of the system got much simpler. The extended admin-interface saves you time and makes the administration a lot easier.

Source Management

Sources are now listed inside the Administration UI. As an admin, you can reindex, purge or delete an index directly from the UI.

Web Config

Portrait now ships with an integrated code editor. The code editor can be opened via the admin interface and needs a separate password (same as the initial admin-password). The editor lets you edit all the configuration files and can make use of Visual Studio Code plugins.

Known Limitation
Installed VS Code plugins are not persistent after a restart of the system.

Hot-Reload Configuration

The configuration can now be directly reloaded – without the need of restarting the backend.

Known Limitation
Some changes support hot reload, others require a restart. See: Reload Configuration

Public Mode

The public mode was tweaked, to furthermore make the administration and working with test environments easier.

Block Search-Engine Listing

If you run a test-instance of your public access, you usually want to hide it. You can now forbid the crawling and indexing for search engines (like Google) in the Advanced UI Settings.

Hide Admin Login

The login call-to-action on the top right of the app can be hidden via the Advanced UI Settings, but is still accessible via https://portrait.customer.xyz/admin.


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