Portrait 3.0.0

Released: Jul 28, 2021



You can now create organigrams with your data. The relations are based on relations inside your data. The organigram could be used for visualizing:

  • Team Hierarchies

  • Ownership

  • Dependencies (Assemblies, Items,…)

  • Non-Linear Business Flows

Organigrams are configured as a section:

The orgchart section view supports description of the links (.e.g. the relation type between entry A and entry B), color highlights, view-filter for the user and a PDF export.


Visualize your data as a map. Providing Lat-/Longitude data you can now show your entries on a map.

The map section supports color highlights, a “locate me” feature and a view-filter for the user. The integration is based on Mapbox and therefore a mapbox API key must be provided inside the configuration.


Activate Search from Google Chrome address bar

You can now trigger a search directly from the address of your browser (Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Chrome):



A barcode scanner is now directly integrated into the app and can be used to trigger searches. The barcode scanner works either from the global search or in each section.

Depending on the search result the following subsequent action happens:

  • 1 search result: Open the detail page of the search result

  • More than 1 search result: Show the result list

  • No search result: Info message and “rescan” button

Currently 1D Barcodes are supported: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code128, ITF, RSS-14.



A streamed installer can now be used for Unix based systems and will help you setup an instance of Portrait, with all its dependencies.

Core Upgrade

We upgraded to the latest versions of our index, app server and changed the distribution of our internal proxy.


Completion Suggester

A completion suggester is now integrating in the global search and section search. The completion suggester is created per field and also provides phrases.

You can exclude specific source fields from the suggester, so that no irrelevant suggestion reduces the search experience.


In case a search yields no results, a “Did-You-Mean” suggestion is provided.