Portrait 7.0.1 - Reisalple

Released: Sep 10, 2024

Release notes – Portrait - 7.0.1

This release brings optimizations for the file preview and adds a slovak UI tranlsation.


POR-1012 Create space between header text and pills/secondary fields in table view on mobile

POR-1013 Improve dynamic form result message styling on mobile

POR-1014 Error-State flashing up when opening detail page

POR-1015 Use query-param for view type instead of state

POR-1016 Optimized file preview

POR-1017 Weird action behaviour - actions displaying in dropdown despite on being two

POR-1018 Reduce top/bottom margin in detail view on mobile and on form page

POR-1019 Set the dropdown cutoff to 1 on mobile for detail actions

POR-1020 Scrolling possible under form dialog on mobile

POR-1023 Show highlight dot on top of svg in mobile view

POR-1024 Loader is displayed after section search with no hits

POR-1028 Request returns no data but 24 count

POR-1029 Add Slovak Translation

POR-1030 Mobile: Missing padding-top 18px in admin users/sources