Portrait 6.3.0 - Schöpfl

Portrait 6.3.0 - Schöpfl

Released: May 17, 2023

Release notes – Portrait - 6.3.0

This version adds a lot of features for interfacing ELO ECM, especially when adding or editing entries.


POR-633 Password field

We added a password field type for the forms, see Password.

POR-578 Modal Forms

Forms can now be opened in a modal window; not only in full page. See Forms.

POR-604 Barcode field

The new field type Barcode can be used inside a form to scan a barcode use the value of it inside a form, see Barcode.

POR-561 ELO Form Submit - Mode: Update

The ELO Post-processing action https://portrait.atlassian.net/l/cp/vV61m0yQ now supports updating existing Sord Objects.
This finished our basic CRUD feature set for ELO. You are now able to build applications to manage any entity in ELO. Some example use cases are:

  • Vacation management for employees – each employee can manage his/her vacation days. Every can see the vacations of the team with the timeline view.

  • Expenses management – users can report expenses, upload images, …

  • Insurance claim – users can claim/report insurance claims. See the status of the claim, …

For details, see https://portrait.atlassian.net/l/cp/vV61m0yQ.

POR-205 ELO Form Submit - Direct Feedback

The post-processing action https://portrait.atlassian.net/l/cp/vV61m0yQ now supports reindexing the Sords, that were changed in ELO to Portrait. Furthermore, we optimized the UI. The result is a direct feedback after the form is submitted. The changes are directly visible in the list view. No need for a costly full reindex of the entire source anymore.

POR-609 Open entry after it is created/edited.

In addition, we also present the user with a Popup to open the newly created or edited entry in the detail view.

This can be done by configuring the index name in the onSubmit configuration. For details, see https://portrait.atlassian.net/l/cp/vV61m0yQ.

POR-634 Python Form Submit (Preview) – User information

We added the User Info (ID, Name, Email, and Role) to the submitted parameters that are passed to the Python script. This allows developers for example to check for permissions before performing an action.

For details, see Python.


POR-580 Hidden Sections

Hidden Sections can now be created. They are not displayed in the menu, but can be used in forms for dropdowns. See Settings.

POR-530 Harmonize & normalize properties

The property-names were harmonized, and comma separated settings are changed to lists inside the config.yaml:

  • section.type was a comma separated string and is now a list (used for view-definition of the section type)

  • section.columns.<column>.options.forwardProperties was a comma separated string and is now a list (used for passing entry fields to a form)

  • section.columns.<column>.options.forwardProperties changed to section.columns.<column>.options.forwardFields (used for passing entry fields to a form).

POR-533 Group timeline entries

By default, each entry is shown in a different row. Now, you can set the groupStyle also to merged. This will show multiple entries in a single row, grouped by the same property. See Timeline view


This release fixes bugs of previous versions.

POR-635 Icons folder

Fixed a bug where the /icons folder was not properly used. SeeTheming for a Guide on how to set custom icons.

POR-612 Forward fields encoding

The forward fields Column Types | Form had encoding issues when using ä,ö,ü,…

POR-603 Timeline entries are too small

Entries, with a timespan between 2 and 4 days, were shown as 1-day entry in the timeline.

POR-587 Submit to ELO: default path is Chaosablage

There was an issue with the default path when submitting forms to ELO.

POR-575 Flickering images in the form

Fixed a bug where images flicker on mobile in conjunction with a slider on the same form page.

POR-576 Login case-sensitive email

We fixed an issue that the user email was case-sensitive. Notice that due to the complexity, this is only applied when setting up a new instance with a fresh new elastic index.

Regarding existing instances:
If a user cannot log in and the failed logged in counter is not raised, check the upper/lower format of the used email-address.

POR-591 /config component version fixed

Due to a compatibility issue, we switched from using latest to a stable version of the web editor. During upcoming releases, we will keep the version up to date manually.


We changed the base image of one of our containers from openjdk:17-alpine to eclipse-temurin:17-jdk.

On some older systems, this requires an upgrade of the docker engine. If you encounter 'There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.' during startup, please upgrade your docker engine.



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