Portrait 2.3.0

Released: 22.06.2020



We introduced a new dashboard with more functionality that can be customized to your needs. The dashboard also introduces the possibility to additionally have a hero-image (center) and not only a logo (seen on the left sidebar menu).

Furthermore you can decide what features are available on the dashboard:

  • Global Search (always on)

  • Activities (visible by default)

  • Favorites (visible by default)

The dashboard is available to all customers with version 2.3.0.

Public Access

Portrait can now be used as public portal without the need to create, administer user. Therefore your data and content will be available to the public without any barrier. Use all the platform features you love to build modern apps that leverage your existing content.

The Add-On “Portal” needs separate licensing.

ELO Mapping Fields

ELO offers the possibility to store meta data in an extended form - “Mapping Fields”. These fields don’t share the same conceptual limitations as normal index fields. Therefore you are not limited to 50 fields and you can store an unlimited length of chars in one field.

Read more about how the use mapping fields here.

Manipulate data on the fly

With the integration of Handlebars you are very flexible in changing or adding data whilst indexing it. This feature is especially useful if you cannot manipulate the results in the query-syntax, like with ELO sources.

Read more about how to use handlebars here.

Issue Summary

Issues resolved:

  • [TREP-195] - Dashboard

  • [TREP-215] - Modules Update

  • [TREP-216] - Using Handlebars in Columns

  • [TREP-234] - Create a mode in frontend and backend for public access

  • [TREP-261] - Allow Public Access in Backend

  • [TREP-263] - Display ELO Mapping Fields

  • [TREP-267] - shortwire source and view, remove view-id

  • [TREP-269] - implement ui customization via ENV file