Field Types
The following fields are supported:
Textbox: A simple text box with formatting validation.
MultilineTextbox: A text box, but with multiple lines for longer text inputs.
Password : A password field that hides the entered input
Number: An input fields for numbers with or without currency formatting.
Checkbox: A list of choices – the user can either select one or more values.
Signature: A field in which a user can sign with touch our mouse input.
DatePicker: Component for choosing a date.
Combobox: An input box with a dropdown to select a value from a given list.
Radio: A list of choices – the user can select one value.
Image: Upload a picture from your files or take a picture with your phone.
File: Upload a file from your device.
Hidden: Hidden text box for forwarding properties.
Entry: Select an entry from an indexed source and automatically fill form fields with EntryField.
ValueSlider : A slider that can be used to select a numeric value : Scan a barcode : A section of markdown for informational purpose
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