Portrait 3.1.0

Portrait 3.1.0

Released: Sep 1, 2021


Wallboard Mode

It is now possible to run Portrait with a minimal frontend, highly useful if you want to show a section as digital signage display. Therefore a polling interval, that can automatically refresh the section view, can be defined.

Apply the query-param: ?wallboard to the url.


In some cases, especially when using the wallboard mode, it is useful to automatically refresh a section with a given interval in. This can be achieved by activating the polling on the frontend. See General settings

New type data “pill”

In some case a highlight of data is important. Therefore you can now style columns as pill type. You can define for each value a different color. This especially useful for statuses (like “To Do”, “In Progress”, “Done”, etc).



You can now reindex and delete a source from the administration interface.


Optimised Completion Suggesters

In earlier versions the search suggestions were limited to a maximum character length. This provoked occasionally a cropped search term that will yield to no results - unless extended by the asterisk-wildcard (*). In the new versions, the maximum character limit will not be applied mid-word.

This requires a reindex of all sources.

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