Portrait 6.6.0 - Schöpfl

Portrait 6.6.0 - Schöpfl

Released: Mar 20, 2024

Release notes – Portrait - 6.6.0

This release brings improvements inside forms, for working with barcodes and UI optimizations on mobile.

  • New form component document scanner

  • Optimizations for barcode picker (directly use result, allow multiple values in form)

  • Improved map view

  • New “Sort By” design

  • Fixed the global search

  • Redesign of the entry field

  • List view on mobile now supports two values

UI Rework

We further optimized the UI for a more consistent and better user experience.

List View

An entry in the mobile list view displays now a secondary field too. The secondary field will be the second field of the list view that has the property showInTableHeader set to true.

Furthermore, the Sort Button was now redesigned to better fit in the whole concept.


Map View

The map view got upgraded, and the handling in conjunction with the search, data changes is much more refined.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 11.09.45.png

Entry Field

The total number of entries is now displayed for an EntryField. This should reduce confusion for users, that the dropdown offers only five items and should invite the user to type in a search query, to refine the possible options further.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 11.15.07.png


Document Scanner

New Form Field Type Document. With this component, it is now possible to “scan” documents, rather than just make photos of it. The component will detect automatically borders, correct the perspective and optimize the size of the resulting image.



Barcode Scanner

Scanned barcodes are now directly used and do not need to be confirmed after detection. Furthermore, multiple barcodes can be used on a single form.

Push Notifications

Extended Permission schema. Push notifications now make use of Custom Fields for each user. This will either prevent the notification in overall or reduce the number of updates a user receives if they are not permissioned.

Field Processors

Added Field Processors | Date Helpers to calculate timeframes between two dates. Example:

{{remainingTimeUnit (currentDateTime) (parseDateTime P_LICENSE_M_VALID_TO "yyyy-MM-dd") "days"}}

Added examples for Field Processors | Nesting/Combination of multiple Functions


  • Global Search: Fixed an issue that prevented the global search from working in certain conditions.

  • Forms: Forwarding values to the Barcode Field is now possible.

  • Forms: Forwarding values to the EntryField now works more consistent.





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