Portrait 6.1.0 - Schöpfl

Portrait 6.1.0 - Schöpfl

Released: Jan 9, 2023

POR-441 Remember the last zoom/position state of the orgchart after an entry was opened

The last position on the org chart can now be remembered after an entry was opened. Previously, after going back, the org chart was opened again in the default view.

POR-461 Display commit hash in footer

We now display the commit hash in the footer of the dashboard to better recognize the version.

POR-484 feature request: hide buttons in frontend if value is null

You can now hide a button/field/action on the detail-page, if the value of it is empty. This is an optional attribute inside the configuration of a section field: hideIfEmpty (can be either true or false).

See: Column Types | Hide fields if they are empty

POR-507 Script to update the baseUrl

Useful if the URL of your instances changed – example given, you are changing the URL from internal to external. This script is part of our installer-package.

POR-475 Execute a python-script after a form submit - Preview

Starting with Version 6.1.0 you can trigger python scripts after a form submit. We are currently releasing this functional, but holding back the documentation, because we want to prepare more examples for it.

POR-490 Boolean Type for the field-type of a section

The boolean field-type was enhanced and supports more input values. See Column Types | Boolean.

POR-491 Reload Configuration via button

We now support a reload button next to the “Administration” Link in the sidebar – this triggers a config reload and applies the changes directly. This saves you a lot of clicking, while configuring an application.

Furthermore, you can trigger a reindex (no force reindex) as an Administrator inside a section.

POR-492 Quick actions

If you install your instance on your device, we now support app shortcuts. Quick actions are directly shown via the App context menu. Works on Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS.

Quick-Actions (“Neuer Service Call, “Datei hochladen”) are now directly accessible, if you install your App locally.


POR-497 Removed barcode-scanner attribute from the config

The barcode scanner was moved to the quick-actions.

POR-510 Migration Script for Version Update

We now provide a migration script. For preparing either an upgrade or to clone existing instances. This script is part of our installer-package. See more: Upgrade On Prem Instances

POR-508 Hide caption in form for hidden fields

In case you use a hidden field in the form, the caption of the field was not hidden.

POR-514 Pagination not working as expected in some circumstances

Fixed a bug, that prevented the correct pagination on the global search.

POR-493 Some sources can not be cleared or deleted

Fixed bugs, in the administration panel, that some sources of types other than API could not be cleared or deleted via the API and GUI.


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