Portrait 2.3.3
Portrait 2.3.3
Released: 30.10.2020
Version 2.3.3 is a quality assurance release.
Issue Summary
Issues resolved:
[TREP-281] - database and document icons
[TREP-284] - first time you open the page, browser language is applied to the translations, after you click through the app, it falls back to english
[TREP-286] - Dashboard: Error “An unexpected error has occurred
[TREP-296] - Posting a form works again
[TREP-297] - Big.Math Error on using number-sql-datatypes
[TREP-299] - ELO Document download fixed
[TREP-230] - Implementing sorting on sections
[TREP-277] - implement sorting inside user administration
[TREP-282] - download documents
[TREP-301] - added sorting on the backend for 'global' search
[TREP-302] - removing /abReindex
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