Submitting a ticket

Submitting a ticket

As an Administrator of Portrait, you can use our feedback form to raise feature requests or report an issue.

You might have to disable your ad blocker for the feedback form to work correctly.

The form can be found inside the administration panel. Click inside the nav-bar on “Report Feedback”. In case no form opens, your Ad-Blocker might block it.

In case you report a bug, we need the following information to be able to analyze your request:

  • Which Portrait version you are on. Please refer to the docker-compose.yaml file for this information.

  • Steps to reproduce:

    • How did the unexpected behavior occur?

    • What do you have to do to trigger it again?

    • It is important that you tell us about any abnormal environmental factors which could have caused the behavior.

  • Log files: If there is any interesting information from the backend logs, please copy them into a text file and submit it with the ticket. For us, error messages and stack traces are especially helpful information.

  • If you encounter any frontend issues, please provide us with the error messages from the browser console log. For example, in Chrome, you can find them by pressing F12 and then clicking in the top right on the red X icon. There you should get all browser related error messages.

  • Finally, screenshots are helpful to get a better understanding. It is easier to understand, if you highlight the issues in the screenshot. Try to use a screenshot-tool like Greenshot (Greenshot).

Don't forget to include your E-Mail address, so we are able to contact you if we need further information. If possible include your browser data, sometimes we may be able to find something that you didn't discover.

There can never be too much information in a ticket. For us, it is always easier to work with a bigger information set in order to identify the issue.


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