This page explains how Portrait can be connected to a given ELO archive.
Before you can use ELO as a source for Portrait, we need to make sure that the following prerequisites are met.
ELOoffice is generally not supported - only ELOprofessional or ELOenterprise can be connected.
ELO Server
Portrait will access the ELO instance via ELO Indexserver. Make sure the Portrait-App Instance has direct access to the ELO Indexserver - this especially relevant if the Portrait runs in a DMZ or external network.
The Indexserver communication works via HTTP/HTTPS. The needed URL is usually based on ELO server name and ELO archive name. Example given:
In the given example, the Server is called eloserver
and Archive1
Be aware that the URL is case-sensitive.
ELO Service-User
Create a specific user for the Portrait - we recommend the name portraitservice
, since it is as service user only used for Portrait.
Check if the user for the Portrait-App has this general rights (only available up to ELO9):
Dokumentendateien sichtbar
Don't set this user rights, because it acts a limiter:
ELOxc Client Benutzer, nur E-Mails
DMS Desktop Benutzer, keine Workflows
Above mentioned permissions are global permissions. Keep in mind that permissions inside the ELO Archive must be checked as well.
Set up a connection
Inside the application.yml file, we need to add a new entry inside the connections
connections: elo: - connectionIdentifier: 'Archive1' type: ELO name: ix-Archive userName: portraitservice userPassword: 's3cur3d' computerName: backend-node392 runAs: hostname: 'https://eloserver:9090' path: '/ix-Archive1/ix' appName: Portrait Documentation Hub appVersion: 1.1.2
You can have several connections, each of them must start with a “-”.
the yml-file is formatted with whitespaces. Ensure you have the correct intentation: first level = 2 whitespaces, second level = 4 whitespaces, and so on. You will get an error in the logs at startup if the yml is malformed.
After you added the connection, you can jump to the next chapter: ELO sources.