Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • SSHD server for running the scripts remotely. (Access meant only internally for Portrait Docker services)

    • There are two SSH keys for the communication pythonRuntime_id_rsa.pem (stored in the jar inside the backend container) and (stored inside the scripting container)

  • Pyenv

  • Pipenv

  • Venv

  • common packages: vim, nano, git, curl, bash

  • some build dependencies are needed for pyenv, pipenv, venv


Code Block
# importing modules
import argparse
import json

from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

parser.add_argument("--args", help="JSON string of arguments")
parser.add_argument("--scriptExecutionID", help="scriptExecutionIDn")
parser.add_argument("--files", help="files")

scriptExecutionID = cmdArgs.scriptExecutionID

argJson = json.loads(cmdArgs.args)
recipient = argJson["responses"][0]["values"][0]

# initializing variables with values
fileName = '/app/dependencies/output/bill_' + scriptExecutionID + '.pdf'
documentTitle = 'Rechnung'
title = 'Max Mustermann'

# creating a pdf object
pdf = canvas.Canvas(fileName)

# setting the page size

# setting the title of the document

# registering a external font in python
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Regular', '/app/dependencies/MerchantCopy.ttf'))
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Wide', '/app/dependencies/MerchantCopyWide.ttf'))

# creating the title by setting it's font
# and putting it on the canvas
pdf.setFont('Wide', 14)
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 460, 'Max Mustermann')

pdf.setFont("Regular", 14)
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 450, 'Musterstrasse 1')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 440, 'AT-1020 Wien')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 430, 'MAIL:')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 420, 'TEL: 0664-12345678')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 410, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 400, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 390, recipient + '                          ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 380, 'ABC 12345                             ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 370, 'AT-1010 Wien                          ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 360, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 350, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 340, '           R E C H N U N G            ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 330, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 320, '--------------------------------------')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 310, 'Re-Nr: 22-004        Datum: 31.11.2022')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 300, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 290, 'Anbindung Webshop/FIBU     B    800.00')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 280, '     8 x   100.00                     ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 270, 'Office365 Setup/Interface  B   1700.00')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 260, '     17 x   100.00                    ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 250, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 240, '--------------------------------------')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 230, 'Summe                    EUR   2500.00')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 220, '======================================')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 210, 'Zahlbar innerhalb 14 Tagen            ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 200, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 190, 'IBAN AT1234123412341234               ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 180, 'BIC  ABCDEFGHIJK                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 170, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 160, 'Leistungszeitraum:                    ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 150, '01.09.2022 - 21.11.2022               ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 140, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 130, 'Umsatzsteuerfrei aufgrund             ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 120, 'der Kleinunternehmerregelung          ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 110, '                                      ')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 100, '--------------------------------------')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 90,  '')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 80,  'Vielen Dank fuer Ihren Auftrag!')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 30,  '')
pdf.drawCentredString(110, 20,  '--------------------------------------')

Viewing Output in VSCode

Currently there is no separated output folder to transfer files between the scripting container and vscode. As an workaround you can save files in ‘/app/dependencies’

The following mounts are in place

Code Block
- mountPath: /app/scripts # -> Inside the scripting container
  name: portrait-config-pvc
  subPath: scripting/pythonScripts # -> Inside the vscode container
- mountPath: /app/setupScripts
  name: portrait-config-pvc
  subPath: scripting/pythonSetupScripts
- mountPath: /app/dependencies
  name: portrait-config-pvc
  subPath: scripting/pythonDependencies