Portrait is shipped as a container and can be downloaded via Docker Hub. Furthermore, docker-compose is used for managing dependencies. Before you can execute the following steps, you need a Docker environment, including docker-compose.
Running Portrait on Mac is especially useful if you want a local development or test environment.
Install Portrait
We offer an express installer that can be executed in the Terminal:
bash <(curl -s -L -k
This installer will guide you through the required steps to have a Portrait instance up and running, expect the following questions whilst running the setup:
What will be the name of your app?
Who is maintaining and running the app?
What is the address under which the app will be accessible?
If you run a local development instance, you can use the default value: http://localhost.
If you plan to expose this instance, you need to define the external URL.Login and password for the administrator - this must be an email-address.
Configure Portrait
After you have installed the instance and logged in with your administrator account, you can start customizing and configuring the app.