Migrate to 6.x - Schöpfl

Migrate to 6.x - Schöpfl

This article explains the needed steps to migrate from 4.x and 5.x to 6.x.

Please create a backup of your existing portrait installation before you start migration to the latest version.

Please consider installing a new Portrait 6.x and only transfer your needed configuration, instead of going through the manual steps provided below.

application-prod.yml settings

In 6.x the application.yml was renamed to application-prod.yml. Be sure to rename your own file as well! The name of the file has to correlate with the docker-compose startup command, see “Depends_on and Startup commands” below.

ELO Source Config

The configuration for ELO Sources has changed:


- id: yourEloId type: ELO name: ix-TKL username: user password: secret url: '' path: '/ix-ABC/ix'


- id: yourEloId type: ELO username: user password: secret url: ''


The theming was adopted, and new properties were introduced.


application: theme: logoUrl: /icons/logo-full.svg heroUrl: /icons/logo-hero.svg highlightColor: "#0097A9" globalBackgroundColor: "#F8F8F8" globalFontColor: "#333F48" menuBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF" menuFontColor: "#333F48"


Since the attributes have changed, we recommend resetting the theming settings and start from scratch.

See more details here: Theming .

API Sections

Since 6.x each section requires its own source. Therefore, all sections that previously didn't had any source configured, usually these were the API sources, need to be configured.


ENV Variable

The optional application property ENV was added.

Can be skipped for production environments, default value is ‘prod’.
For development and demo instances, it can be set to dev


General settings | Settings



The path for Swagger-UI changed:

  1. Remove old /swagger location


  2. Add new locations


Switch to default docker-compose (recommended)

  • Download the newest Installer from https://install.portrait.app/

  • Back up your old docker-compose.yml!

  • Copy the Contents of docker-compose.yml to your config

  • compare the old and new docker-compose for possible mismatches

  • copy the .env file from the Zip into the same directory as the docker-compose.yml

  • Configure the .env file for your specific installation

  • Run the following command



Swagger-UI is now directly served from the backend. Therefore, the service can be removed entirely.

Remove these lines:

Depends_on and Startup commands:

The depends_on for the different services have changed.

New configuration is:

Email Templates

Add a new file requestPasswordResetAdmin.html in the config/email-templates Folder. Forgot.html can be used as a base template, afterwards, update the text in the email template.


Update old templates

  1. We updated the names of the theming properties. This would need to be updated in the email templates as well.

  2. The path for the logo might have changed
    Old: <img src="{{serverUrl}}/static/icons/logo-email.png" width="120"/>
    New: <img src="{{serverUrl}}/icons/logo-email.png" width="120"/>

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