Pages and Conditional Rendering

Every form is comprised of one or more pages, with each page having a label, a description and one or more fields. A simple form only needs one page, but if you have a more complex flow, you may want to separate fields into multiple steps to be shown in succession.

Conditional rendering is a technique that allows pages to be shown or hidden based on the values of previous fields. This can be useful for creating complex and dynamic forms with a large number of fields and pages.

In our JSON definition, the pages array contains objects that represent each page in the form. Each page object has a label property that specifies the page's name, and a fields array that contains the fields that belong to the page.

To enable conditional rendering for a page, an additional property called conditions can be added to the page object. The conditions array represents a series of conditions which all have to be true for the page to be shown.

Each condition has two operands, and one operator. Possible operators are: IS, IS_NOT, CONTAINS, CONTAINS_NOT. The operands can either be keys of fields, or literal values to be compared. This allows for complex boolean operations. For example, consider this JSON definition:

{ "title": "Order product", "description": "Description", "submitText": "Order", "pages": [ { "label": "Base information", "description": "Description for the base information page", "fields": [ { "name": "productName", "displayText": "Product name", "description": "The name of the product", "type": "Combobox", "items": [ { "displayText": "A personalized t-shirt", "value": "personalized-tshirt" }, { "displayText": "A pen", "value": "pen" }, { "displayText": "A mug", "value": "mug" } ] } ] }, { "label": "Additional Information", "fields": [ { "name": "tshirtPrintText", "displayText": "What to print on the tshirt", "type": "Textbox" } ], "conditions": [ { "operator": "IS", "operand1": "productName", "operand2": "personalized-tshirt" } ] } ] }

The second page, “Additional Information”, will only be shown if a user chooses the personalized t-shirt in the first step. The order of evaluation works like this:

  1. We check if the operand1 refers to any field in the form. If it does, it gets the value the user selected. If not, the value will be used as a literal value.

  2. We do the same for operand2.

  3. We compare both operands according to the operation that was defined.

An example for another page:

{ "label": "Doggo's name", "fields": [ // Fields for the "Doggo's name" page go here. ], "conditions": [ { "operator": "IS", "operand1": "productName", "operand2": "personalized-tshirt" }, { "operator": "CONTAINS", "operand1": "tshirtPrintText", "operand2": "Doggo" } ] }

In this case the page will only be shown if the user chose the personalized-tshirt option in the productName input, and then entered a string into the tshirtPrintText that contains the word Doggo.


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