But that would mean you need to give access to your internal system to externals and built an additional permission layer – that focuses on externals. That is for once high maintenance and a huge risk factor.
In our use case, the data is already imported and at first sight we can see that we have 275 delivery notes in our section “2022”. We can already spot at least 3 documents from the same customer, “000115”:
The field, in which the customer number is stored, is called CUSTNR
(line 15):
Code Block |
sections: section: - name: shipping-note-2022 group: Lieferscheine caption: 2022 description: | Alle Lieferscheine aus dem Jahr 2022. columns: - label: 'Name' key: 'name' type: 'string' showInTableHeader: true showInDetailList: false - label: 'Kundennumer' key: 'CUSTNR' type: 'string' showInTableHeader: true showInDetailList: true - label: 'Archivdatum' key: 'iDateIso' type: 'date' showInTableHeader: true showInDetailList: true |
That means we need to create a Custom Field with the name CUSTNR
in the yaml-file:
Code Block |
global-properties: customFields: CUSTNR: YourDefaultValue |
Setting the value to YourDefaultValue
“YourDefaultValue” is a good way to make sure, the custom field is always applied – even if the original value is empty. Since this is about security, we set a default value that we can expect will not yield any result. We could’ve also set SquareDinosaur
“SquareDinosaur”, XXX
“XXX” or NoCustomerNumberGiven
Since this field support search terms do not use *
as default – it will have the opposite effect.
Restart the backend, go to the user administration and open the user of your customer “000115““000115”.
Set the field CUSTNR
to "000115"“000115”:
Note |
Even though the custom field is already visible in the user settings, a restart of the backend is still necessary. |
After you saved the settings, the next time the user opens the section the view is already filtered:
And you’re done. ✌️
The Custom Fields are an extremely a powerful tool to build apps with the same structure, but at the same time deliver different content based on who is looking at it. Since the permission are always “content based” you can build them independently of your source application.
The logic goes further and can support multiple fields, and chained values search operators in the value like CUSTNR = "000115 or 0006*"
. Which would give you all documents of 000115 and every customer number that starts with 0006.