Portrait comes with email templates that are used in the following scenarios:
Automatic Registration - automaticRegistration.html
Forgot Password - forgot.html
Forget Password send from an Admin - requestPasswordResetAdmin.html
Invite - invite.html
RegistrationWithOneTimePassword - registrationWithOneTimePassword.html
Successful registration - success.html
Account verification
Access granted
- verify.html
These templates are styled based on the portrait colors. You can fully customize the appearance of these emails. The templates are located in: /app/config/email-templates
Inside the templates, you can use a property based replacement using the following placeholder:
${placeholder_key} - SINCE 6.X
Placeholder - Key | Based on | Example |
General Settings |
applicationName |
config application.name | Portrait App |
applicationOwner |
config application.owner | Treskon GmbH |
serverUrl |
config application.url | https://portrait.customer.com |
mapping |
call to action - based on the situation | ||
Theme Settings - Since 6.x | ||
logoUrl | config application.theme.logoUrl |
heroUrl | config application.theme.heroUrl |
rasterLogoUrl | config application.theme.rasterLogoUrl |
highlightColor | config application.theme.highlightColor |
globalBackgroundColor | config application.theme.globalBackgroundColor |
globalFontColor | config application.theme.globalFontColor |
menuBackgroundColor | config application.theme.menuBackgroundColor |
menuFontColor | config application.theme.menuFontColor |